
Todo empiezó en Hampi (India), tras una horrible noche de insommio en la que no pude dormir hasta que esta idea fue creada y formalizada. Y, cúal es la idea? Pues pedirle a los viajeros y turistas con los que me cruce en este viaje que utilicen las páginas en blanco de este cuaderno rojo a su antojo, para compartir lo que quieran con otros viajeros, ya que, la idea es, una vez que el cuaderno termine, dejarlo en un lugar que yo considere adecuado para que todos los viajeros que se crucen con él puedan leerlo.
Solo he puesto una condicción, que la gente que escriba utilice el cuaderno para escribir lo haga con su lengua materna.
Sobre la nacionalidad de los escritores algunos han puesto de donde vienen, otros no han querido hacerlo.
Si alguien es capaz de traducir lo que vaya saliendo escrito en otros idiomas al ingles o a caulquier otro idioma que no dude en hacerlo en los comentarios.
La idea inicial que tengo paraq el funcionamiento de este blog, la cual admite todo tipo de propuestas, es poner una fotografia al día con el intento de traduccion, siempre que sea posible, de lo que haya sido escrito en ellas.


This story starts on Hampi (India) after a horrible insomnia night. I only get the sleep after the idea was formalised. And, which is the idea? Easy, ask the travelers that I meet in this trip if they want to use the white pages of the red notebook to share something with others travelers. Because the idea also is that I'm going to keep the red book with me until it's finished. After of that, I'm going to leave the red notebook in the place I considered is the correct for that.
I only put one condition. If the people use the white pages to write, have to be in the mother language of the person is writing.
About the nationality of the writers some of them put the place that they came from, others don't wanted to do it.

Anyway, the last thing I want to do is apologize my self for the English and the mostly Spanish min the notebook. I'm from Spain and for me, obviously, it's easy to write Spanish and meet Spanish people but, anyway, I'm going to try to translate the Spanish to the English. For this I ask for the help that anyone what to help me with these projet.
The idea that I have of the working of this blog is put one picture of the writing or the drawing with the try of the translation, if I can do it, to the English. This idea admites any proposition that anyone what to give to me.


Violi, Xiomara, Jorge and Luis. Spanish self made food in the Jog Falls.

Igor. Break time in a motorbike riding near Pai.

Xavi, Anna, Carre, Stefi, Vero, Sergio, Jorge, Inma and Lee. Beer time in Pai.

I am noone,
a dream
that it´s forgotten when you wake up.
I am a angel´s sigh,
a madman´s delirium.
I am the dissatisfaction
of the one who wins without purpose,
the brightness
of the most far away star,
a uncertain event,
somewhat within all of you
and vanished
going far away
with the heart full of
love and illusion.
My last poem of farewell


mirko and the monkeys in the path to the savitri temple, pushkar

joakin-paloma in a varanasi gat

iñaki-jorge in a lao cave